[part three] another year older

Thursday, August 23, 2012

and then on saturday night after class, i went home to shower and waited for boyfie to pick me up. had a lil gathering with a group of brothers n sisters whom i've not met since april.

so we had dinner and catch up while waiting for some to come. having lil baby anna b is so much more fun.

and then here comes the cake. the part where i had to stand on a hair in TGIF and make a speech of 150 words or sing a song loudly. and i mean loudly or else i wont pass. so i said thank you and thank you and thank you lol….and then they sang a birthday song for me.

then i had to blow my cake from a distance. ><" until i finish blowing if not i cant come down. pretty embarrassing? but it was pretty fun tho. just an experience one would need while she's still young.

i guess simple gatherings and dinners like this makes me happier than having a drunk birthday in a club. getting old perhaps? :P
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