[part four] another year older

Monday, August 27, 2012

so here comes part four. where boyfie's friends did a birthday countdown for me at neway karoke. liz gave me a lil surprise with pretty purple balloons and a lil crown for me to wear. which is really sweet coz usually i'll be the one doing these things. :)

so we gathered at about 10.30 onwards and sang some songs. at 12 sharp, the team from neway stopped our song and played the birthday song. coming in with two cakes! so i get to cut two cakes at the same time.

i had a loose tooth so i didnt sing much that night. but i had loads of fun and felt really loved coz boyfie's friends did these for me.

and hassan from the neway team gave me an extra complimentary big lemonade thingy kind of drink which was non-alcholic i think. but it was a really sweet touch. :))
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