passer bys, they come by.

Friday, March 18, 2011
its ok. never hate those who have once hurt u. there isn't need for hate in this world because of the feeling of hurt. love them instead because they were arrangements from the above for you to learn something new and grow up. they came, they taught you, and they left. they were just passer-bys that were part of your life.

life is filled with different challenges. you fall and you climb up again. you lost your path and search for it. you felt hurt and heal the wound. you were upset and now you laugh again. you were once loved and you will be loved by someone else. you lost your faith but u will gain it back again.

but never ever betray a friendship. because these are the people who will really be there for you when u are in need. love those  who love you. but dont hate those who hate you. dont waste your time on them.

thank you. every one of you who are part of my life. who had been part of my life. :)

smile. because i've learnt something new again.

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