of life and the future pathway.

Sunday, March 20, 2011
now that i'm officially graduate. just that i have not collected my cert from uni…i have to really sit down and think of my future. slacking for 3 months should be more than enough. but i enjoyed the life as a freelancer. the fact that i dont work everyday. but income still comes in sooner or later. *its not good* coz i've been lazy. ==

now that i realize i wanna be a wedding planner…i have a huge problem. i cant get a job like that in malaysia! they dont hire much. so the best choice would be to leave for singapore. and since i dont have much that i think i'd miss in malaysia besides close friends and family, i guess that would be the best option. plus bro and sis-in-law has plans to settle there before they migrate to somewhere else. *that means i can save alot on rental! tee hee~~~*

being a lazy girl doesn't mean i dont like to work. i love it infact especially when i get real busy and hectic with life. at least that way i can fill all my time up and not think abt unnecessary things.

so singapore or not? i have a choice to make. meanwhile. i shall continue saving up more money.
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