Take A Step | Bangkok Madness Episode 1 x Final Episode

Thursday, October 6, 2016
“And it was time to bid goodbye!

If we could, we would stay in Bangkok for like forever. Well, unfortunately the both of us aren't born rich. So, it is time for us to say our goodbyes.

This sums up our buy this time around. Not a lot as compared to my previous hauls since most of our money went to foooooood. At least we managed to get 3 sets of couple outfits, 2 more t-shirts for him and well, 6 pieces of clothing for myself and a couple of accessories.

Had our final round of McD pork burgers and fried chicken before getting our Uber to the airport. Originally, I wanted to have my final round of shopping but time did not permit us to do so. We're pretty sure that Bangkok didn't want us to leave either as our flight as delayed for quite a bit. Well, at least I got to watch half an episode of "Cinderella & 4 Knights" while waiting. Finally departed about half an hour later and arrived in Malaysia safely. I can't wait for our next adventure already! Korea perhaps?

Planning for your Bangkok trip already? Here are the Top 25 things to do in Bangkok!
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