#JxY_ | Relationship Goals

Thursday, March 17, 2016

“It takes effort to maintain every relationship”

Vince finally had time (not complaining) to upload and transfer all the photos that he owed me (actually he don't owe me since he was doing me a favour) of my ROM. So, YAY!

Since it's our 4th ROM Monthsary, I've decided to dedicate this blog post to the love of my life. I've realised that through this relationship, every day is a brand new lesson for me.  From the early days of our relationship until this date, I've learnt so much about this little thing called love.

From managing expectations to making things work for the both of us. From understanding each other and accepting each other's flaws, we're pretty different in our way of living and that's what makes us special. I really am glad to have met this person who accepts me the way I am and is always there to back me up and guide me in being a better person.

Til today, I'd still love to say to Happily Ever After. But realistically speaking, it really is to Annoyance Ever After! My relationship goals? Defintely is to stay strong as a couple and to explore the world together (that's not all...)
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