“If you're persistent enough, you will be able to flow with the universe!”
The 8th of March celebrates International Women's Day and considering myself as a woman, I guess having a little day out with all the other women would be pretty nice. Thanks to Go Communications for the invitation, I finally had the chance to experience yoga with Under Armour and Biotherm.
Stress is a normal part of everyone's life, but there's always the right way to handle it. Don't go throwing your computer or anything you can lay your hands on! Try taking a deep breath and enjoying the flow.
Given the chance to experience flow yoga with Atilia (I missed the first session thanks to the horrid KL jam) for the every first time, I must say that it really helps in relaxing the mind (definitely not muscles). But little did I know that there is such thing called face yoga as well. Well, I guess perhaps I should take up yoga as my
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