#JxY_ | 2016 x New Year Same Old Couple

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy 2016 came in a lil late. Last year, Justin and I welcomed 2015 as boyfriend-girlfriend. Well, it still is the both of us but as husband and wife. This year, instead of crazy celebrations and fireworks, the both of us were back in Ipoh (due to unforeseen family reasons).

Although this was one of the most hectic trips made back with no couple time for exploring (which explains why the title isn't "Ipoh Mali 6.0") but it was indeed one of the most worthy trips made for it was about spending time with family.

New Year is the perfect time for me to start with resolutions, count my blessings and show appreciation. This year, one of my resolutions is to less selfish and more selfless. So, I guess letting go of celebrations and travelling back is baby step towards it. Happy 2016!

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