You & Co. | Hawaiian Surf x Junya x Cheesie

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

with only approximately two weeks to plan, prepare and arrange for Junya & Papa's birthday surprise as Cheesie was flying to Japan > Hawaii > Japan before coming back to KL but she knew that she wanted at Hawaiian Surf & Sea theme as Papa loves surfing and they just had an awesome time in Hawaii. but on the other hand, she'll be able to compare Hawaii and my final work!!!

so as preparation begins via Line chat (and all discussion was on Line chat only) while Cheesie was away in Hawaii, we had to finalize the date and venue while i started preparing for designs and artworks and securing cakes sponsorship. right after she came back from japan, first thing on the list was to secure the caterer (since we only had less than a week left!) thank goodness for Amy for helping out with guests invitations and venue securing! after all of that was done, the DIY hand crafting works begun!

I figured out since it was going to be a beach, sea and surf theme, we'll definitely need some fruity jelly as part of the decor/food! hence, a day before the final event, we even had fun making konyaku jelly and wrapping up some customized kit kats as part of the decoration and for our guests.

with limited time and space to set up, we had to get everything done before the birthday boys arrive! we had only less than 2 hours to get everything up and ready including our catering food outside as we could only start our work after they had closed for business at 7pm and our birthday boy would arrive by 8.30pm.

the floor at the venue was already brownish which looked like real sand from afar, plus my table cloth was sandy brown to bring out the sand effect with slight blue at the bottom as the sea.

i wanted to get a real lifebouy as part of my prop but with limited time, even if ordered them online, they wouldn't arrive on time. hence, i had to print a fake look-alike lifebouy instead. we also sneaked out Papa's surf board as part of the prop to make the whole decoration look even more surreal!

so, upon arrival, Papa was quite shocked to see the whole set up. which actually serves the purpose of surprising him! yay!

thank you so much Cheesie for having us decorate Junya & Papa's birthday although Junya was already asleep by then and thank you D'sabroso for being a part of the whole fun! we do hope that everyone enjoyed the food and party!

and also my awesome partners Yuna & boyfie Justin for helping out!

more pictures at You & Co.
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