of a simple advice.

Friday, July 6, 2012
it's not that i'm very old. but probably this would be a good advice for the new ones in the freelance or those who are pursuing their dreams in the entertainment industry.

i've been freelancing for 6 years and counting. i've been in the entertainment industry (front line and back line). i've seen more than most of you. and i've experienced them. take the advice and you might just win the heart of others. think that i'm talking rubbish and you will know that this is something someday.

so lets begin....

we start with Dressing Appropriately. not all is about cleavage.

somethings are not just about dressing skimpily thinking that it's sexy so that the photographers will be attracted to shoot u or to gain publicity. that is not the way.

not everything is about showing how big your boobs are or how deep your cleavage is and going around telling people that you're not using your boobs to attract attention or win pageants. if not so, don't dress showing half your boobs bulging out of your top with ur cleavage so deep.

u're only attracting crocodiles or colour wolfs.

and we continue with Publicity...

publicity is to be in the eyes of public dressing appropriately. u're not a model just because u've walked on the stage or posed for some expensive cameras.

Publicity is everything, especially in the modelling industry. Never over-estimate your popularity just coz you think you are well-known - I assure you, you're not that famous yet! [Quoted from Calista Liew]

and yet not everything is about money. the experience, opportunity and exposure is what matters more sometimes. you will need to always be in the limelight if you're pursuing your dreams in the entertainment industry. and u will not get paid for attending events.

in fact. you should be more than happy to be invited to attend them.

moving on with Attitude and Mind-Set.

attitude. is another factor. and just because people know who u are. it doesn't give u the rights to show people your attitude. people with attitude problem, you will not go far. because others will not see your strength as it will be covered by your weakness and attitude problems.

be nice to the people you meet even tho you might not like that. because they might be the ones who will sponsor your modeling career or be ur boss some day.

u wouldn't know what others might just say about u. the mouth belongs to others to speak and spread. ears to listen and mind to assume.

so think before doing or saying anything stupid.

doesn't mean that u are famous or popular just because u have a lot of "fans" or "subscribers" on a social media page. some people tend to just add u because of that sexy profile picture of your that caught the eyes and attention of theirs.

it doesn't mean that if there r many "Lamborghini"s or "Ferrari"s fetching u around that u're loved. think and figure out what they really want from u in return of giving u free rides. u're not that expensive after all.

and last but not least. Oh I'm Earning so Much Money...but These Bags are Gifts to me.

also branded bags or expensive clothing doesn't show that you're rich or you're "high-classed". there isn't need to talk speak buy branded goods just because they are expensive. it only show how low your mentality is.

and to clarify before any of you starts shooting me with ur bullets and guns.

i too, am not a model. i am a freelance event girl. a freelance photo shoot subject. i do own an expensive bag. but at least i dont brag. :) but seriously. i'm not famous. people just know me as how my name is. they probably only heard of my name but may not know who am i exactly.

i too have sexy shoots and dress in show girl uniforms. but i am pretty much selective. this may be considered as being attitude on having certain selection. at least i gain my respect for what i do.

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