#JxY_ | Of Little Efforts and Appreciation

Friday, February 27, 2015

relationships have many stages and it all begins with the honeymoon. the honeymoon stage duration varies from couple to couple. keeping the relationship happy and going takes effort else one would eventually tired off and the relationship would die off sooner or later.

so what does it take to keep the spark in a relationship going? what does it take to maintain the relationship even after the honeymoon period is over? or what does it take to keep the relationship in the honeymoon period for as long as you can?

sometimes it doesn't have to be lavish luxury gifts. it doesn't mean expensive fine dine dinners. but the time spent together, the deep conversations, the little things and efforts made that would put a smile on your other half's face. little unexpected surprises for one and another. and the appreciation of these little efforts made. the appreciation of being together with one and another.

one general rule to remember is to never take each other for granted even if you're both comfortable being together. because it takes two hands to clap, two hearts to keep the beat, and two souls to keep it going.

sometimes all it takes is a very simple "i love you", "i miss you" or warm snuggle time on a long day. sometimes all it takes are simple gestures that would simply secure and put a smile on each other's face.

thank you baby teddy for accompanying me last night although you're sick. for feeling cold under the aircond while watching me compete and cheering for my team. for making sure i don't drive alone at night for my safety. i love u baby teddy!~ 4 months in a week's time and more days, months and even years to come!
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