and it's back! おとといはダーツリーグをゲームオン!the game started on Thursday and this season i'm playing with team FCDC Avengers in Division 4.
we started off really great with the first 3 games win and then we were lacking behind until the last game, last match when the team made a great comeback for the night's win! good start for the team! the night was truly exciting and filled with kan-cheongness from everyone.
really glad that captain trusted me in 3 games although i sorta suicide in my 3rd game. urghhh. need to train a lil harder before i come back on team in the 4th week. heh~~~
on the side note... oh! G.E.M.'s concert was totally awesome!! it was massive. awesome staging, lighting and everything was perfectly synchronized. not to mention her live performance and voice totally blew me away! with her on the guitar, drums and grand piano!!!
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