[Events] Twenty3 | Chapter One Launch

Monday, December 22, 2014

it's my second time walking the catwalk for Twenty3. previously i walked their bridesmaids collection during the KLPJ Wedding fair back in April but i was too busy i didn't blog about it. maybe i'll do a throwback later on k? heh~

so this time the theme was Cherry Christmas whereby we wore the cherry collection and we had much less girls this time around.there were only 8 of us.

did the rehearsal a night before till about 11pm and then headed back to rest.

the next day i arrived much later than the rest coz i had class till 12. got ourselves changed. took a quick final round rehearsal while the final touches were checked at the outlet. after that we roam round the shop for new clothes and took a lot of selfies before the official opening.

the opening started with Twenty3 Live Band performance. and then our walk. the whole walk was done in a song. it ended so fast i didn't even want to say my good byes but i had to rush over to midvalley to meet up with my buddies.

it was a very simple event but with a huge crowd. we all had fun and yummy macaroons too! now i can't wait till our next show with Twenty3!!!

once again congratulations Sherlyn on Twenty3 | Chapter One!
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