[day two] mean machines penang 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

since i'm stuck at home and i don't get to go to Hennessy Artistry today. (which i had a sudden random urge to go but too late everyone there already so no one can let me tag their car…) so here is day two of mean machines penang 2012.

so on sunday morning, i woke up at 9.00am feeling exhausted because i had no rest the day before and about 8 hours of sleep on saturday night. but call time was 9.30am for make up and hair do at harley davidson's showroom just across the road from the hotel.

we all got preped up with full make up and hair up. with a very cat-eyed make up. pretty thick for me coz i've not been having such thick make up for quite some time already. wasn't used to it but it made me look very very different. very very different indeed.

after getting preped up we had a shoot inside harley for miss harley subtitle. which our sexy cutie suzie won. and then lunch before heading to backstage to touch up and get ready for booth hopping.

weather was pretty hot during the earlier part when we went booth hopping. and photo snapping with the sponsors and car clubs. and then we took a short break in between filming for a youtube channel. by the time we were done with booth hopping it was late evening already. and we had our second break for dinner.

at night before the self introduction and judging session, seven of us went over to 9tro booth to record a crazy gangnam style video.

judging session was the usual style. the catwalk. the self introduction. and then the q&a session. i was asked "why do u think mean machines is a good platform for modelling career?"

my answer was pretty straight forward. "i believe that it is a good platform because people from all over the country gather here for this event. not only from malaysia but also singapore and thailand. and even if they don't spot me, they probably spot the other contestants. therefore mean machines is not only a good platform for me but for all of us."

it went something like that. i cant remember the exact same words that i've said but the main points are in there.

the competition ended pretty late at 10.30pm after the winners were announced. congratulations again dear jialin, punzh and meggie for getting top 3. also to all the subtitle winners. u girls were great! <3
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