crazy busy hectic december

Thursday, December 22, 2011
i'm sorry i dint mean to neglect my bloggie. i've been busy. with work and work and work. okayh and also shopping and boyfie.

i came back to freelance, missing those days as i freelance much less now due to my full time job which practically clashes most of the time - time wise or conflict of business wise or location wise. but i'm still back!!! and with my bestie my suipo ceres joey. ♥ tee hee~

been running through so many different events this month. from catering for Toy Watch's Media Launch to attending Tiger's Live It Up Party and running the Johnnie Walker Indulgently Gold event. it's hectic but fun at the same time.

only thing about me now is that i dont like to party on crowded nights or crowded places. not like a year ago where i dint mind squeezing with everyone else just to get in to Zouk. and now i'm practically here everyday. :) for work of course.

xmas is around the corner! i'm done with shopping for cny clothing too! actually not really, i'm never done with shopping for clothes. but who does anyway? xD

xmas is his special day but i'm running low on ideas. gosh :( i hope everything goes well. sigh….xmas just means so much to me and its our first xmas together and his first bday with me.

oh mummy dearest injured her little middle finger while cleaning the kitchen :( made me worry coz she's got 2 stitches on it. sigh the pain~~~ but she said it dint hurt just kept bleeding. ><"

but hey time to wrap it up, happy winter solstice everyone!!~ much love. xoxo 
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