she's back.

Saturday, August 6, 2011
whenever she's back. it only means two things. either shopping or partying. she's my sister, my bestie, my suipo for life who went over to singapore for work for the pass few months. not having her around made me feel weird actually. the days where we used to hangout really often, work together in events and party hard every weekend.

and whenever she's back i'd give my time to her even if i'm busy. :))

last night was party night at phuture. bumping into sooooo many freelance babes it was like a gathering. pretty fun night i was mad tipsy by 2am with the amount of alcohol mixture i took. but what is party without any alcohol. :))

boyfriend came by after work to get me home safe. its coz its him, no matter how hard i party, the limit is always there and i'd only want him to come bring me home.

pretty much getting used to my in between hair length now. kinda like it but its annoying when its a bad hair day. but i love the hair colour. done by toni n guys. :))

actually attended an interview in the afternoon yesterday before heading to one u to get my bling nails done. half price is worth sitting for three hours to get it done. :)) tee hee~~~

party top bought from my double, yumi wong. hehehe~ love it much. but it ended up being my early bday present. tee hee~~~

today is chinese valentines so wishing all my readers happy valentines. and have a great one. muakkkxx~~~ ♥♥♥ 
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